How To Lose Weight - Garcinia Cambogia - Weight Loss

how can I burn fat without spending every waking moment exercising and dieting Its called Garcinia Cambogia a pumpkin shaped fruit that grows in Southeast Asia and India and it just might be the most exciting breakthrough in natural weight loss to date revolutionary new research says it could be that magic ingredient that lets you lose weight without diet or exercise Dr. Harry Preuss is at the forefront of the research the ideal weight loss program is one which you loose fat and you retain your muscle or even build it with the Garcinia we can make that happen Garcinia is an exceptionally effective fat buster it inhibits the production of fat in the body and when the body's not making fat its burning fat the newest fastest fat buster and one of the least expensive to is Garcinia Cambogia Extract Dr. Julie Chen a California internist in the fellowship training of educated medicine is here with more on this discovery so educate us a bit about the Garcinia cambogia what makes it so special well you know there's a lot of expensive supplements out there for weight loss and what I love about this product is once it's one of the most least expensive out there for people to use and it's actually been seen in studies to help increase weight loss by two to three times what people would naturally loose with just diet and exercise alone and they've been able to isolate this compound from the rind of the fruit and made into a capsule for people to take easy go through the research for me a little bit on my on this how much weight would the average woman expect to lose if she were to use this for a month for example on average about four pounds but you know I'm a big proponent of healthy lifestyle so I would recommend diet and exercise with it and if people take the supplements with it they actually will lose about two to three times what the normally would lose with just a diet exercise routine alone walk me through how it works so it actually is great not just for weight loss which is important but it's also great for emotional eaters because there's increases serotonin in the studies for patients or their sleep and mood is better helps to suppress appetite and it helps to block fat from being made and hopes it kinda manage the stress hormone called cortisol so a lot of the times the patient will notice that there's a decrease in the belly fat what explain to me how it's different from all the other weight loss supplements that I've heard over the past 12 months well I think it's great because it's like that door action fat buster because it suppresses appetites and prevents fat from being made