Slimband - Chelsea's Weight Loss Story

Hi, my name is Chelsea and I lost 140 pounds with Slimband. I've been overweight my entire life. I remember grade 1 being called the fat girl. And more mean names than that. I wasn't confident; I didn't even go near guys because I thought I was just this total ugly duckling. Nobody would ever want me. So I tried everything, I went from pills, books, programs; anything and everything you've every heard of for weight loss--I've tried it. And the money I sank into it. The emotions I sank into it. Something would work for a month or 2 and then it would stop. And when I saw Slimband, I just saw an answer. But what really brought me to this procedure was I went to the doctor; I hadn't had my blood test done in a very long time. I didn't think I needed to. I was in denial, I was pushing 300 and I just didn't think anything was wrong. So I go and I was pre-diabetic, high cholesterol and I was 23. I was just thinking this is just not how a 23 year old should be going through. Every day I wake up not having to think about anything to do with dieting. I'm just happy, I'm carefree and I'm in the body that I feel like I should have always been in. I just became more confident with myself. I started caring more about what I wore. I started going to shop like Le Chateaus, that's a shop that I would never ever thought that I would fit into. Sitting in an airplane seat without your thighs being squeezed between the hand rests or worrying about getting the extra clip for the seat belt. That use to mortify me if I was traveling. So my thoughts would just always run through how I would burden people around me as an overweight person. And what people would say about me or how they would judge me. And that just slowly went away. I just stopped caring because I just happy with the results I was seeing. I found the love of my life. My fianc? Mike, we were very good friends before I lost weight and it just blossomed into something else and now we're going to get married next summer. Also my career, I'm currently doing archeology for the province of New Brunswick. Which is something that I never thought I would be able to do. It's a very physical job. I never thought I would ever consider myself an athlete but I run about 10 kilometers everyday. I recommended it to my sister. Who is doing awesome, has lost 80 pounds so far. And I recommend it to a lot of people who just said "You know what? You look great and everything I've tried just has not worked." But with this, you just don't think about it anymore. It's a lifestyle now, I don't have to worry; I just eat until I'm full and that's it. And everything else falls into place. I've become more active, and being more active I feel better. Feeling better means I'm more confident. The confidence leads to other things with my career, with my love life. It's been a domino effect but in the greatest way possible. So I would absolutely recommend this to anyone who is struggling to lose weight.

Dr Oz Likes Garcinia Cambogia For Weight Loss - Mentioned on Dr Oz

Hello and welcome to Netcast News I'm Andy Zajac on today's program we have a special report on one of the most talked about products available for proper dieting but its maybe not what you think we all want to lose weight but it's not that easy when you like to eat food and maybe sometimes the wrong kind of food proper diet and exercise are the basic requirements for losing weight however there are times when diet and exercise are not enough when you cannot lose weight with diet and exercise you should consult your doctor to see if you have any medical conditions or medications preventing you from losing weight in many cases there are no problems with medical conditions at all its just a weight problem have you ever heard of Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia Cambogia is so effective in making meals much more filling that in many towns in Malaysia Garcinia Cambogia is used to make a soup that is eaten before meals for fat burning because of Garcinia Cambogia's appetite suppressant potentials Garcinia Cambogia plant and its fruit have been eaten safely for years the HCA extract is safe in typical amounts nevertheless do not take this supplement if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and of course if you are taking any type of medication talk to your doctor before taking this supplement to ensure safe interaction between your medication and this supplement the major benefits of taking Garcinia Cambogia is that it inhibits fat production it lowers cholesterol it lowers triglyceride levels calms the nerves and increases your energy level with a proper diet HCA which is hydroxy citric acid can double or triple the amount of fat that you burn and with moderate exercise several times each week you could lose 2 to 4 pounds within one month this is very exciting news for those who find it difficult to lose weight now you have a solution that really does work and is extremely affordable you owe it to yourself to find the truth and take the opportunity when it comes to you and that opportunity has arrived and the next step is up to you you can find out more information about the best weight loss package available along with a free fitness and diet program simply by clicking the link below thank you for watching NetCast News and our special report on Garcinia Cambogia I'm Andy Zajac see you next time

Nutrition Tips ow Does Ephedra Work to Lose Weight?

My name is Christine Marquette and I'm a registered dietitian with the Austin Regional Clinic, and I'm going to talk to you about how ephedra works to lose weight. Several years ago ephedra was available as a dietary supplement found in many different products, fat burners for example, you would see ephedra listed as one of the ingredients. And what was thought to happen was that when ephedra was combined with caffeine, the two stimulants together would speed up your metabolic rate. This was a very modest increase in metabolism but it could result in a modest amount of weight loss. However, since then there have been many, many, many reports of adverse reactions, the mildest being insomnia, the worst being death. So because of this, ephedra is no longer sold in the United States. It actually has been banned by the FDA. This ban occurred in the early two-thousands. And it was appealed by the supplement manufacturers but it was upheld ultimately by the Supreme Court. So, again you can no longer buy ephedra in the United States as a weight loss aid, and remember the reason why ephedra was banned from the United States, was because it can ultimately result in death. So it is not a good stimulant to use for weight loss.

Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program Overview

His confidence in school improved. He's trying to communicate to the school that it's important that the children eat nutritious food. I just feel healthier and happier. It sort of gave me hope that I could actually lose weight. It's not that big of a thing; you just have to work on it. I was feeling tired; really depressed a lot. At 13, Dr. Robinson gave me the diagnosis of being a pre-diabetic teen. I saw in our clinic there was an ad for the pediatric weight control program. So my mom and me checked it out and it was nice so we entered. At first I was a little hesitant to join the program because I had been on multiple diets before so I thought that the program was just going to be another diet. The Packard Pediatric Weight Control Program at Stanford is a 6 month program that meets weekly for 25 sessions. It's not a weight loss program; it's a behavior change. It's a behavior change program that teaches families how to make healthy choices. The program is for kids, ages 8 to 12 and 13 to 15. We have groups in both English and Spanish. Families come in small groups of not more than 12 and they meet weekly as a group, but we also meet individually so that they can really fine tune their goals on a weekly basis. Kids come with their parents to an hour and a half session each week. I like that my family was supporting me. Our family learned a lot from every week going to the meetings at the program. We really encourage both parent and child to work together as a team. The better that the parents can work together, the more successful the child will be. The program is divided into 3 main parts. The first part we just focus on eating habits. In fact in the first month, we ask them not to make any changes at all because the first tool to make changes is to see where you're starting. We ask families to journal their current eating habits so they spend a lot of time learning about what they eat on a daily basis. They don't give you rules in how to categorize foods; it's that they just give you guidelines on how to look at foods. They learn that every food has a color, either red, yellow or green. The traffic light system is a system of like foods that are good to eat; they call them like greens. Like you can eat as many as you want of them. Green lights are the foods that actually you don't really need to count as much; you don't have to think about because they're very low calorie. And for example, most vegetables are green lights. Those are foods that you actually want to add into your diet. And red light foods are you try to reduce eating them because they're like the unhealthy ones. Red lights are the foods that we eat as part of our diet, but we definitely don't need them in order to grow big and strong so most of our diet should be yellow and green. Yellows are the ones that we need, but we do have to worry about the portions. Yellow light foods which you can eat 2 servings before they become a red light food. Every week they come back and they tell us what was the total number of red lights that they ate. Once they've done that for a month and they become really familiar with the number of red lights that they eat on a weekly basis, we ask them to start setting goals. Because the kids are so involved in tracking their own eating and exercise and setting their own goals, the program kind of takes it out of the parent's hands and that's a huge relief. The goal of the program is to actually go from red to mostly yellow and add as many healthy greens as you can. What's nice about the program is you never have to eliminate red lights completely; you just need to reduce them. I found things that I liked and I could have them and I found things that I shouldn't be having and now I don't like them. Like white bread; I can't eat white bread anymore. Well there are a few things that I do like, but I can't have and every now and then I have them. I often ask the children what they want to eat and I would hear not just Elliot, but my other children say this is a red or this is a green. We can't have this; I already had that or so... It's kind of fun to do it that way. The second part of the program, we add exercise to their goals. So we use a point system and they set a daily goal to meet a certain number of exercise points during the week. I definitely try to do more exercise; I found more sports that I like. She's much more active now than she was and she thinks about it. She'll sort of say to me sometimes, "Mom, how am I going to get my exercise points this weekend?" Which is also great for me because I don't have to be thinking, "How am I going to get the kids out you know doing something this weekend," so she kind of helps. For some of the families, it's the first opportunity they've had to exercise together as a family. We made sure as a family that every morning, one of us was walking the kids to school. I like jumping on the trampoline with my dad because he makes me bound so high. To see their parents in that situation is really fun and really motivating and I get it kind of reinforces the whole team idea of working together and being in this program together. Every week the kids come in and they are able to see the changes in their heights and weights on a computer and the program is really good at putting those changes into perspective because kids at this age are growing and it's difficult for them to sometimes see change in their weight. 80 percent of the families who start our program complete our program and 80 percent of those participations who finish the program see a decrease in their child's overweight. The average change is about 6 to 8 percent over the 6 months. You don't feel that you go there worrying, "Did I lose a pound; did I not lose a pound?" It's really about how to eat healthy and being more physical in your life. Its just about learning how to build and enhance your life. So the last part of the program, we really focus on maintaining the tools they've learned. So we do some discussion sessions, we do some individual sessions, and we actually have some exercise sessions where we exercise together as a group. So the families will start working on a maintenance plan that they can follow once the program is over. The pogrom is a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs; loops that you like, loops that you don't like. But the whole experience is exhilarating and it's so rewarding at the end. Everyone towards the end of the program is like laughing and hugging and they're like, "This was so much fun." I learned I'm not the only one like...I'm not the only one like me. It's an amazing program because over the course of 6 months, you see changes in the kids that you really can't measure. The parents come to me and say, "I have not seen my child this happy in such a long time. Thank you." They talk about the self-confidence change that they've seen in their kids. The ability to make friends has changed; just the way that they carry themselves. This program I think has had a huge positive impact on his life. Now he's got some confidence, he's got some comfort with who he is as a person. He has a path; he has a direction. He's motivated because he's seen that success and he wants to continue that and he wants to feel that success and that confidence socially. Just do it. I mean it like completely just changed my life. After I did the program I thought, "Well if I could do this and feel confident about myself after, then other people who are shy can do it too." [ Music ]

Pure Garcinia Cambogia reviews - How Much Weight Can You Lose?

Pure Garcinia Cambogia reviews , Get Rid Of The Excess Fat By Choosing The Right Garcinia Cambogia Garcinia cambogia is a yellow colored fruit that looks much like a pumpkin, and it is known through the names of Brindleberry, Malabar Tamarind, or Assam Fruit. It is grown commonly over the coastal areas of Karnataka and Kerala, in addition to west and central Africa, and Indonesia. The fruit is widely used in the Indian cuisine, known as a 'souring fruit' in the local language. The locals use it the most because of its antibacterial and digestive properties. However, apart from as being a great cooking ingredient, this fruit is also renowned for helping with weight reduction purposes. Natural supplement plays a big role in lessening excess fat and overall weight. How Garcinia cambogia Blocks Fat Production The famous fruit of Garcinia cambogia is an excellent companion to lose weight, especially since it is an all natural supplement. Combined with a proper diet and exercise routine, the pumpkin lookalike can perform wonders in blocking fat production. The fruit is mainly used like a supplement, with bottled pills containing the fruit extract. Research shows that it is a great hunger controller with strong fat loss capabilities. The locals accustomed to combine it with soups, because it helped to achieve the sensation of a full stomach faster. As a result, food intake was substantially decreased. The fruit extract supplements operate in a similar manner. Here is how the Pure garcinia cambogia reviews blocks fat production in 2 step 59Step one. Serves as an appetite suppressant This fruit, when consumed prior to the meals, boosts the Serotonin degree of the body, the main element to affect the appetite. This cuts down on the sensation of hunger and reduces the food consumption. Consequently, the daily calorie intake drops, which results in weight reduction. Step two. Provides a fat burning supplement The fruit blocks the citrase lyase, that is an enzyme created by the carbohydrates and sugars consumed on a daily basis. This enzyme creates the fat cells, and when blocked, not just it protects against accumulating extra fat, it helps it to lose more fat. Pure garcinia cambogia reviews Fruit The bottom line is, whether utilized in its natural form or like a fruit extract supplement, the Garcinia cambogia helps your body to lessen calorie consumption and blocks the fat from carbs and sugars. Along with weight loss, the fruit brings plenty more benefits to the overall well-being and health because i 26- Boosts the metabolic process and helps your body to digest fats effortlessly - Regulates sleeping patterns and mood swings, because of an increased level of Serotonin in your body - Controls the strain hormones and helps to substantially decrease emotional eating - Reduces sugar cravings, hence decreases sugar intake, that is an important factor in keeping a healthy body Without doubt, this Asian and African fruit can do wonders with weight loss. Apart from suppressing hunger, it is amazing how Garcinia cambogia blocks fat production. The benefits of this magical source of natural goodness are unlimited. Ideally, the fruit ought to be consumed in the natural form, but when that is not possible, consuming as much as 3000 mg from the supplement daily should still bring exactly the same benefits, without harming the body or experiencing major negative effects. garcinia cambogia garcinia cambogia extract garcinia cambogia reviews where to buy garcinia cambogia garcinia cambogia extract pure pure garcinia cambogia garcinia cambogia for weight loss pure garcinia cambogia extract pure garcinia cambogia reviews

Visi Weight Loss - What Visi Weight Loss Products Can Do For YOU. Plus...VISI UK LAUNCHED!

Hey you, visi weight loss. Yes I'm talking to you. Has it really gotten that bad? Have you tried all the fad diets and gimmicks out there and you've finally given up, accepting that you will have to live the rest of your life overweight? Simply put obesity is a big problem, in fact health experts worldwide view it as the most serious problem of the 21st century, as it's a primary contributor to a wide range of other conditions. Aside from the dangers obesity proceeds, living your life at an unhealthy weight can also make even simple tasks become seemingly insurmountable obstacles. That's no way to go through life. If getting active, getting healthy and getting down to your ideal weight is a goal that has eluded you in the past, we have a solution for you. Finally there's a family of products that work, products that support your body's natural weight control mechanisms on every front. Products that are safe, proven and that deliver real results. Introducing visi weight loss. Visi products were designed to fit within your current lifestyle giving you the results you deserve. Visi weight loss products are all natural formulations that promote optimal weight control without the jitters, hunger or confusion of other weight loss products and programs. So how can visi help you? Well to start, all the ingredients of visi weight loss products are all natural. They've been designed to control your appetite, metabolize stored fat and help you manage stress and enhance mood while encouraging mental clarity and focus. If that's not enough they also provide superior antioxidant protection, powered by the potent antioxidant properties of the arctic cloudberry and lingonberry which support natural metabolizm, and supported by the hundreds of studies that have been conducted on the ingredients. Visi's product family is the answer you've been waiting for. So don't wait, get in contact with the person who showed you this video and they can help you change your life today with visi weight loss.

Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract Reviews For Quick Weight Loss Results

Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight Loss Benefits I'd like to talk a little today about a certain natural ingredient that's been getting a lot of media attention, and it's the green coffee bean. There is a lot of hype going on about this little small green bean, and I wanna kind of get into the bottom and find out what's true and what's not true . So, normally, I'm agains weight loss supplements because I've seen for over the past 20 years there's a lot of them come and go. Green coffee bean has been getting a lot of media attention because there was a study done recently, and it was presented in San Diego at the American Chemical Society, which is one of the largest scientific conferences in the world. Here is what the study show. It show that participants who took green coffee bean extract lost a total of 17 pounds each. They also lost 10.5% of their total body weight, and this is the one that shocks me... they have lost a total of 17% of their body fat. The most interesting part of this clinical trial was done on human, not rats or monkeys, is that there were absolutely zero side effects. Now, to a nutritionist, this is specially important. Let's take a look at this green coffee bean. How Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work? Green coffee bean is what we called in the natural health world the "triple threat". It has an active compound called Chlorogenic Acid, and this is critical, it's natural, it's healthy and it is so, so important. Now the firs mechanism of action is it works by inhibiting the absorption and utilization of glucose also known as sugar into the bloodstream. No sugar into the bloodstream, means no build-up of fat in the body. The sugar is turn into fat in the body when it is not burned. Number 2, it helps to boost our metabolism. What is our metabolism? It's our body's ability to burn the fuel that we put on our body. How efficiently are we burning our fuel. And, number 3, reall...really important is that enhances the burning of fats in the liver. The liver is responsible for processing all of the fats that we put in our body. And this Chlorogenic acid helps enhance the metabolism of fat in the liver. When you combine all of these 3 actions together, you get an amazing natural compound that is basically getting the body to do what it is supposed to do on its own which is metabolize sugar, metabolize fat and lose weight naturally. Let me explain how this works. If you take a car or train, can you imagine that they are not metabolizing the fuel, the coal or the gasoline they are using. You gonna get a lot of smoke, you gonna get a lot of inefficiency, the car or train will not going to run well. On the other hand, if you take a high-performance vehicle or a high-performance train like a bullet train, that's burning at maximum efficiency, and maximum capacity...that train is burning its fuel. That's what happening in our body. The Green Coffee Bean Extract mainly the chlorogenic acid helps to enhance, helps to speed up and helps to make our body more efficient in burning its fuel. And, the answer is absolutely NO. This is a really, really important fact, so brown coffee beans have been dry roasted. And, so they have a different smell, they have a different flavor, and they have removed all of the chlorogenic acid. When you dry roasted which is 470 F or 480 F, you basically remove, you basically destroyed all the chlorogenic acid. Green coffee beans, on the other hand, have a very different smell, a very different flavor, they are very bitter, very pungent...and they have 50% of the entire bean is chlorogenic acid, because it hasn't been heated, it hasn't been destroyed. This is really important, the green coffee bean is bitter. And I've been saying for over 2 decades now, bitter is better. And, this is another perfect example of that. Dr. Lindsey are these the typical results because there people losing 3 pounds in 4 days, or 6 pounds in 5days? And the answer is yes. It's amazing, but the answer is yes, these are typical results. And, it's because of the mechanism of actions but I always try to get people to make sure that they are drinking enough water. Because these type of products, being so bitter, you really have to drink a lot of water. So, try to go 10 to 12 glasses a day. And also as a nutritionist, I always recommend to exercise. Even though a lot of the results are happening without the exercise, you just can't beat exercise. It is so important for the entire body. Another really important thing is people always say, is it due to the caffeine. The answer is absolutely NO. One serving of green coffee bean extract in capsules, two capsules has about 23mg to 24mg of caffeine. So, if you compare that to a regular coffee, that's gonna have betwen 100mg and 200mg of caffeine. If you take a venti of coffee, we are talking about over 400mg of caffeine in one venti coffee. So,'s not because of the caffeine. As a matter of fact, this is not a harsh stimulant, it's not like fedra or it's not like a caffeine pill or it's not like anything that it's gonna make your body jittery or nervous or have a harsh effect of hippee waffic night, or make you anxious. As a matter of fact, in the study it show that the average person, or actually all of the participants reduced their heartbeat by approximately 2 beats per minute. Now that's amazing because it's speeding up metabolism, yet it's lowering the heartbeat. So, it's not a stimulant, and no it doesn't cause these great results because of caffeine. It has a completely different mechanism of action.