Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract Reviews For Quick Weight Loss Results

Green Coffee Bean Extract Weight Loss Benefits I'd like to talk a little today about a certain natural ingredient that's been getting a lot of media attention, and it's the green coffee bean. There is a lot of hype going on about this little small green bean, and I wanna kind of get into the bottom and find out what's true and what's not true . So, normally, I'm agains weight loss supplements because I've seen for over the past 20 years there's a lot of them come and go. Green coffee bean has been getting a lot of media attention because there was a study done recently, and it was presented in San Diego at the American Chemical Society, which is one of the largest scientific conferences in the world. Here is what the study show. It show that participants who took green coffee bean extract lost a total of 17 pounds each. They also lost 10.5% of their total body weight, and this is the one that shocks me... they have lost a total of 17% of their body fat. The most interesting part of this clinical trial was done on human, not rats or monkeys, is that there were absolutely zero side effects. Now, to a nutritionist, this is specially important. Let's take a look at this green coffee bean. How Does Green Coffee Bean Extract Work? Green coffee bean is what we called in the natural health world the "triple threat". It has an active compound called Chlorogenic Acid, and this is critical, it's natural, it's healthy and it is so, so important. Now the firs mechanism of action is it works by inhibiting the absorption and utilization of glucose also known as sugar into the bloodstream. No sugar into the bloodstream, means no build-up of fat in the body. The sugar is turn into fat in the body when it is not burned. Number 2, it helps to boost our metabolism. What is our metabolism? It's our body's ability to burn the fuel that we put on our body. How efficiently are we burning our fuel. And, number 3, reall...really important is that enhances the burning of fats in the liver. The liver is responsible for processing all of the fats that we put in our body. And this Chlorogenic acid helps enhance the metabolism of fat in the liver. When you combine all of these 3 actions together, you get an amazing natural compound that is basically getting the body to do what it is supposed to do on its own which is metabolize sugar, metabolize fat and lose weight naturally. Let me explain how this works. If you take a car or train, can you imagine that they are not metabolizing the fuel, the coal or the gasoline they are using. You gonna get a lot of smoke, you gonna get a lot of inefficiency, the car or train will not going to run well. On the other hand, if you take a high-performance vehicle or a high-performance train like a bullet train, that's burning at maximum efficiency, and maximum capacity...that train is burning its fuel. That's what happening in our body. The Green Coffee Bean Extract mainly the chlorogenic acid helps to enhance, helps to speed up and helps to make our body more efficient in burning its fuel. And, the answer is absolutely NO. This is a really, really important fact, so brown coffee beans have been dry roasted. And, so they have a different smell, they have a different flavor, and they have removed all of the chlorogenic acid. When you dry roasted which is 470 F or 480 F, you basically remove, you basically destroyed all the chlorogenic acid. Green coffee beans, on the other hand, have a very different smell, a very different flavor, they are very bitter, very pungent...and they have 50% of the entire bean is chlorogenic acid, because it hasn't been heated, it hasn't been destroyed. This is really important, the green coffee bean is bitter. And I've been saying for over 2 decades now, bitter is better. And, this is another perfect example of that. Dr. Lindsey are these the typical results because there people losing 3 pounds in 4 days, or 6 pounds in 5days? And the answer is yes. It's amazing, but the answer is yes, these are typical results. And, it's because of the mechanism of actions but I always try to get people to make sure that they are drinking enough water. Because these type of products, being so bitter, you really have to drink a lot of water. So, try to go 10 to 12 glasses a day. And also as a nutritionist, I always recommend to exercise. Even though a lot of the results are happening without the exercise, you just can't beat exercise. It is so important for the entire body. Another really important thing is people always say, is it due to the caffeine. The answer is absolutely NO. One serving of green coffee bean extract in capsules, two capsules has about 23mg to 24mg of caffeine. So, if you compare that to a regular coffee, that's gonna have betwen 100mg and 200mg of caffeine. If you take a venti of coffee, we are talking about over 400mg of caffeine in one venti coffee. So, NO...it's not because of the caffeine. As a matter of fact, this is not a harsh stimulant, it's not like fedra or it's not like a caffeine pill or it's not like anything that it's gonna make your body jittery or nervous or have a harsh effect of hippee waffic night, or make you anxious. As a matter of fact, in the study it show that the average person, or actually all of the participants reduced their heartbeat by approximately 2 beats per minute. Now that's amazing because it's speeding up metabolism, yet it's lowering the heartbeat. So, it's not a stimulant, and no it doesn't cause these great results because of caffeine. It has a completely different mechanism of action.